Neighborhood Sun


 Welcome to the Neighborhood!

Neighborhood Sun's community solar subscribers have saved over $2 Million on their electricity bills thanks to the clean, local energy. 
Reserve your share of a solar farm in your community to start saving on each monthly electricity bill.
Local Community Members Served by This Project:
General Subscriber Savings:
10% Discount
Annual Solar Energy Generated:
7,895,229 kWh
Annual CO2-equivalent Prevented:
5,076 metric tons

Washington Ave

Located in
Scotia, New York
Utility Provider
National Grid (NG)
Developed By
generating discounted clean energy

Get to Know Your Solar Farm!

The Community Solar Farm at 4 Washington Ave is hard at work turning sunshine into savings for its subscribers, generating enough local solar energy to power approximately 564 residential home equivalents in the local community each year.

Subscribers not only benefit from access to clean, local energy but they are also guaranteed a 10% discount on the solar energy generated by their share through clean energy credits (compared to the National Grid standard rate).

Since New Yorkers benefit from consolidated billing as a part of state policy, their community solar savings will appear directly on their National Grid monthly electricity bill.