Neighborhood Sun's community solar subscribers have saved over $6 Million on their electricity bills thanks to the clean, local energy.
Reserve your share of a solar farm in your community to start saving on each monthly electricity bill.
Local Community Members Served by This Project: 196 General Subscriber Savings: 10% Discount* Annual Solar Energy Generated: 2,151,366 kWh Annual CO2-equivalent Prevented: 1,383
metric tons
Long Gate
Located in Ellicott City, Maryland
Utility Provider Baltimore Gas & Electric Co (BGE)
Developed By Summit Ridge Energy
Currently under construction
Get to Know Your Solar Farm!
Long Gate South Community Solar Farm will soon be working hard to turn Ellicott City sunshine into savings for local households of all income levels . This farm will provide clean energy credits to households in the BG&E service area, saving residents 10%* on their energy costs without any installations or homeownership requirements. *A 2.9% fee may apply when using a credit card as payment method.