Neighborhood Sun


 Welcome to the Neighborhood!

Neighborhood Sun's community solar subscribers have saved over $6 Million on their electricity bills thanks to the clean, local energy. 
Reserve your share of a solar farm in your community to start saving on each monthly electricity bill.
Local Community Members Served by This Project:
General Subscriber Savings:
10% Discount
Income-Qualified Subscriber Savings:
20% Discount
Annual Solar Energy Generated:
4,281,100 kWh
Annual CO2-equivalent Prevented:
2,752 metric tons

Tri-County Landfill

Located in
Delanco, New Jersey
Utility Provider
Public Service Enterprise Group (PSEG)
Developed By
generating discounted clean energy

Get to Know Your Solar Farm!

The Tri-County Community Solar Farm is especially valuable because it has turned an undesirable closed landfill in Delanco into an environmental asset that now provides savings while reducing pollution within the community. As one of the inaugural community solar farms in New Jersey as part of the Community Solar Energy Pilot Program's first year, we are grateful to all its supporters for being early adopters and leading their local renewable energy movement.

This project has helped over 500 households (including renters and apartment dwellers mostly in Camden County, Burlington County, and Mercer County), tap into solar savings without involving any installations, costs, or changes to their own homes. Each month, they get a guaranteed discount compared to PSE&G's standard rate on the clean, renewable energy provided by their community solar share.

Solar Helps Advance Resident Equality (S.H.A.R.E.)

Lower-income households are unfairly challenged with a disproportionately higher energy burden (the percentage of household income spent on energy). The national average energy burden for low-income households is 3x higher than for non-low-income households, and this is compounded significantly for people of color. Of all U.S. households, 44% qualify as low-income, so there can be no clean energy transition without making sure they're included.

As a part of our efforts to increase access for the Low- and Moderate-Income (LMI) community through our S.H.A.R.E. program, more than half (55%) of the Tri-County Landfill Community Solar Project's shares of clean energy are guaranteed to benefit Low- and Moderate-Income Subscribers. To offset the higher energy burden they are challenged with, these Income-Qualified Subscribers get a 20% discount on their clean energy (10% more than General Subscribers).

Trusted by Local Community Partners

We are proud to report that this project was welcomed by the community, and we received letters of support from a local nonprofit community organization based in Beverly, NJ, called Ladies in Transit Holistic Community Development Corporation and a local affordable housing provider.

Latest Updates from the Neighborhood

Since connecting to the grid in May 2021, the Tri-Country Community Solar Farm has already saved local households in the Philadelphia area over $150,000 in savings on their PSE&G bills. By subscribing to community solar, neighbors in your community were able to save on each electricity bill while also preventing over 4,000 metric tons of CO2-equivalent (the same amount of Carbon sequestered by 5,000 acres of U.S. forest in 1 year).