Neighborhood Sun


 Welcome to the Neighborhood!

Neighborhood Sun's community solar subscribers have saved over $6 Million on their electricity bills thanks to the clean, local energy. 
Reserve your share of a solar farm in your community to start saving on each monthly electricity bill.
Local Community Members Served by This Project:
General Subscriber Savings:
20% Discount
Income-Qualified Subscriber Savings:
20% Discount
Annual Solar Energy Generated:
3,492,093 kWh
Annual CO2-equivalent Prevented:
2,245 metric tons

Performance Drive

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Located in
Mahwah, New Jersey
Utility Provider
Orange & Rockland (OR)
Developed By
generating discounted clean energy

Get to Know Your Solar Farm!

Thanks to a new state-supported program, New Jersey residents (including renters) can take advantage of a 20% discount on the energy this local community solar farm generates each month by reserving their own share of its solar energy. A community solar share typically covers up to 90% of a subscriber's monthly electricity consumption, allowing subscribers to prevent carbon emissions from fossil fuels and save money by choosing local green energy. After construction, the solar project is connected to the grid so it can generate credits for its subscribers each month. To ensure solar access and savings are accessible to people of all income levels, more than half of this solar project's energy is reserved for residents who qualify as low- and moderate-income (LMI).  

On average, Neighborhood Sun community solar subscribers can offset up to half of their annual carbon footprint just by choosing community solar over fossil fuels, all while saving money on electricity costs.